Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen - 1323 Words

It is well-known that throughout history women and men have not always been treated as equals; it was not until the early twentieth century that women could vote in most countries. In the Victorian era, when A Doll’s House took place, women held a less than equitable sociopolitical and domestic standing. Socially, marriage and motherhood where no longer just emotional fulfillment for a woman; they had now become a responsibility and a full-time job that hardly allowed for leisure or external work. Since a woman’s life was centered on domesticity she had even fewer political rights outside the house than she did inside. A woman was not to vote, she could not form contracts without consent from a man, she was not deemed as a person under the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, whenever Torvald does refer to Nora by name, it is always preceded by the word little. Perhaps not physically, but to him mentally and emotionally, Nora is little and incapable of comprehendi ng life; thus, she needs his protection and his wisdom to guide her. His belief in the emotional and mental inferiority of Nora is shown in the line, â€Å"[†¦] only lean on me; I will advise and direct you† (64). This dynamic between Nora and Torvald symbolises very much the reality of life for a woman at the time. At this point in history the belief was that it was a man’s job to guide his woman seemed to be the general consensus, between woman and men alike. A young girl would grow up with her father dictating her life choices up until she was married— more likely than not, he even chose whom she would marry. From that point on the woman became her husband’s â€Å"property,† meaning that the husband would then dictate the rest of the woman’s life. The usage of pet names by Torvald is highly important in relating to the theme of gender inequality the play brings up. Another way Torvald exercises his power over Nora, is by constantly scolding and lecturing her. Torvald treats Nora in such a way that it seems he truly believes her to be an incompetent fool, perhaps even a child, who cannot do anything for herself. It was very

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fedex vs. Ups Free Essays

string(52) " as the key financial success than maximizing RONA\." THE BATTLE FOR VALUE, 2004: FEDEX CORP. VS. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC. We will write a custom essay sample on Fedex vs. Ups or any similar topic only for you Order Now Executive Summary: As the U. S. package delivery business segment matured, International segment became the battle ground for the two package delivery giants – FedEx and UPS. FedEx is considered to be the innovative, entrepreneurial, inventor of customer logistical management, and an operational leader. UPS, on the other hand, is considered to be big, bureaucratic, and industry follower, although UPS is shedding this negative image with newer innovations. FedEx Corp. started in 1971, by the end of 2003; it had nearly $15. billion in assets, net income of $830 million on revenues of about $22. 5 billion and shipped more than 5. 4 million packages daily. UPS, Inc. founded in 1907, by the end of 2003; it had $28. 9 billion in assets, net income of $2. 9 billion on revenues of $33. 4 billion, and with excellent (AAA) bond rating. The struggle to deliver value and dominate the package delivery market between FedEx and UPS has reached titanic proportions and clearly evident from th eir respective expenditures. Between 1992 and 2003, capital expenditures for FedEx and UPS rose at an annualized rate of 34. 64% and 36. 78%, respectively. Currently both companies are matching each other’s investments in capital almost exactly. Placing ourselves in the center of the battle of giants and using the data provided in the Exhibits 1 through 11, we try to answer the following questions in this case analysis. 1: Who is creating more value and how? 2: Who is destroying the value? FedEx’s growth strategy is â€Å"Produce superior financial returns for shareholders by providing high value added supply chain, transportation, business and related information services through focused operating companies competing collectively, and managed collaboratively under FedEx brand†. UPS’s growth strategy is â€Å"Serve the evaluation distribution, logistics and commerce needs of customers with excellence and value in all services. With strong financials and broad employee ownership provide long-term competitive returns to the shareholders†. FedEx’s financial ratios are improving while UPS has far better ratios in liquidity, leverage, and profitability. UPS has consistently paid and increased dividends while FedEx just started paying dividends in 2003. FedEx’s EPS comp. annual growth rate (CAGR) 1992 -2003 is 27. 54% compared to UPS’s 13. 9%. However, since going public 1999, UPS has better EPS Compounded Annual growth rate (CAGR) compared to FedEx– 34. 30% vs. 6. 98%. UPS has far better Cum. Total market returns than FedEx – 705. 95% vs. 528. 02%. UPS has far better EVA(2003) compared to FedEx – $1,195 million vs. $170 million. MVA(2003) for UPS also far better than FedEx – $11,816 million vs. $69,31 5 million. By looking at the calculations above we can clearly say that both UPS and FedEx created value, but UPS has created more value for shareholders than FedEx. Case Analysis Detail: We start with analyzing both companies using the data provided in the book in the exhibits 1 through 11. We start the Economic profit analysis of both FedEx and UPS by review and analyzing the Return on Net Assets (RONA). A Return on Net Assets Ratio determines whether the institution is financially better off than in previous years by measuring total economic return. A decline in this ratio may be appropriate and even warranted if it reflects a strategy to better fulfill the institution’s mission. An improving trend in this ratio indicates that the institution is increasing its net assets and s likely to be able to set aside financial resources [pic] to strengthen its future financial flexibility. Looking at the graph generated from data presented in Exhibits 9 10, shows from 1992 to 1994 the ratio for FedEx is improving while it is decreasing for UPS, although it is still well below UPS figures. A quick look at Exhibit 4, we did not find any competitive developments to supp ort the movement of the ratio for both companies. To get more insight into this movement for FedEx and UPS we check the Activity Analysis specifically the Asset turn over ratios for both companies. Review the Fixed asset turnover and Total asset turnover for FedEx and UPS for the period 1992-1994, it is observed that UPS is utilizing its assets better during this period – see graph below. [pic] Although by itself this ratio number can be misleading, since companies with lower margins can have higher asset turnover rations. In order to understand the real impact of asset turnover ratio we need to combine with margin ratio and then determine if it’s pricing strategy by UPS that is generating this high ratio or in fact UPS is much more efficient in using its assets than FedEx. Looking at the numbers for this period for both companies using Exhibits 23, we observed that UPS has far better Net profit margins compared [pic] to FedEx’s, that points to high asset turnover due to its pricing strategy. As we see in the above graph, UPS Asset ratios are declining while FedEx assets ratios are improving and correspondingly FedEx-RONA is also improving though lacking behind UPS’s RONA ratio even though FedEx has greatly improved their asset turnover ratios, the Net Profit margins are still well below UPS (see Net Profit Margin graph above). Does this mean UPS is creating more value than FedEx as shown by RONA graph? We need more concrete data to answer this question. Although RONA has a strong virtue of usage, as compared to traditional methods for measuring company success, is that it also considers the assets a company uses to achieve its output. However, RONA can’t alone be used to determine who is creating value to destroying value, because managers might bypass value-creating activities because they would reduce RONA (a risk if RONA is greater than WACC), or they might undertake value-destroying activities because they would increase RONA (if RONA is less than WACC). Moreover, since RONA does not explicitly measures capital charges, we need to analyze Economic Value Added to determine who is creating or destroying value. Ultimately maximizing EVA should rather be seen as the key financial success than maximizing RONA. You read "Fedex vs. Ups" in category "Essay examples" [pic] Above graph shows from 1992 to 1994 both companies were destroying Economic value, UPS less than FedEx. 1995 UPS created $217 million value while FedEx was still in the negative territory. This is when UPS launched â€Å"guaranteed 8 A. M. overnight delivery† (Exhibit 4 – Timeline of Competitive Developments). This was frontal attack on FedEx who has â€Å"offers 10 A. M. delivery† (Exhibit 4 – Timeline of Competitive Developments). UPS EVA dropped to negative $138 million due to the strike by its union workers which cost UPS $700 million revenues. Interesting to see from the graph is that FedEx could not capitalize on this opportunity as its EVA was down by $215 million. In fact the graph shows, FedEx destroyed EVA from 1992 till 2002 and the only year it was able to create EVA was in 2003 by the amount of $170 million compared to UPS of $1,195 million. In year 2003, UPS EVA was whopping 703% more than FedEx. Reviewing numbers and graph, in the tech bubble of 2000-2002, UPS still maintain positive EVA while FedEx delivered negative EVA. Looking at the above graph and correlating it against the Exhibit 4, the positive EVA of FedEx can be lined up with Kinko’s Purchase in year 2003. [pic] Analyzing the cumulative Economic Value Added (EVA-Cum) graph, from year 1992 to 2003, FedEx destroyed $2. 2 billion ($2,252 Million) economic value while UPS has created $4. billion ($4,328 million) in economic value. This answers the questions put forward in the executive summary. But we will go further and analyze the Market Value Added (MVA) for each company to support our argument that UPS created more value than FedEx. [pic] Since going public in 1999, UPS has created close to $70 billion in Market Value Added (MVA) as compared FedEx’s $11 billion MVA. This shows UPS has created substantial values for the shareholders far better t han FedEx. Since FedEx’s MVA is not negative, it shows they did not destroyed value for the shareholders but UPS created more value for the shareholders. This is amazing achievement for UPS that is considered big and bureaucratic while FedEx is considered the innovative. What is the key to UPS’s success even being heavily unionized? The Key is efficiency. Business week wrote â€Å"Every route is timed down to the traffic light. Each Vehicle was engineered to exacting specifications. And the drivers endure a daily routine calibrated down to the minute. We can analyze UPS’s efficiency by analyzing the ratios and comparing them against FedEx’s financial and analytical ratios. Using exhibits 2 and 3, graphing the data, comparison shows UPS activity ratios are weakening and FedEx is doing great job in improving. [pic] The Average days outstanding for UPS have increased from approximately 25 in 1992 to over 50 in 2003. FedEx on the other hand, has done better job to manag e the average days outstanding. Average Days outstanding by itself doesn’t mean much and it must be analyzed with other activity ratios to conclude result. pic] The working capital turnover comparison shows except for 1993 FedEx has done better compared to UPS. The WC_Turnover for FedEx was 41. 25 in 2003 compared to 7. 72 for UPS, indicated FedEx is generated far more sales compared to cash it uses to fund these sales as compared to UPS. [pic] FedEx’s fixed and total asset turnover ratio is better than UPS. This indicates FedEx is using its asset better than UPS to generate sales. Although by itself this ratio number can be misleading, since companies with lower margins can have higher asset turnover rations. In order to understand the real impact of asset turnover ratio we need to combine with margin ratio and then determine if it’s pricing strategy by FedEx that is generating this high ratio or in fact FedEx is much more efficient in using its assets than UPS. Looking at the numbers for 2003 for both companies, FedEx with 3. 69% Net profit margins compared to UPS’s 8. 65% seems to have high asset turnover due to its pricing strategy. The above graph shows that activity financial ratios of FedEx are improving while they are weakening for UPS. Next we analyze Liquidity Ratios of both companies to see which company has the ability to pay its obligations in timely manner with minimal cost. [pic] The Current Ratio of UPS is better and improving than FedEx. The anomaly in 1999 for UPS was due to the public offering of its securities. The graph shows both companies can service their short-term debt, its UPS that has more efficient operating cycle than FedEx. The graph shows FedEx’s CR is improving but still behind its top competitor UPS. [pic] UPS has better cash ratio and thus can service its short term debt more comfortably than FedEx. This also indicates that UPS has less debt than FedEx too. The anomaly in 1999 is due to public offering of UPS securities. The graph shows UPS Cash ratio offer better safety of margin than FedEx when it needs to service its debt. Although FedEx’s Cash Ratio is improving but it is still behind UPS. Reviewing the Cash flow from operations ratio and Defensive interval shows that UPS has better liquidity ratios than FedEx and can handle short term cash requirement more efficiently, though FedEx’s ratios are improving. The above graphs show UPS has better liquidity ratios than FedEx. Now we review the Long-Term Debt and Solvency analysis of both companies. The below graph shows FedEx is more leveraged than UPS, though FedEx’s leverage position is improving. Graph shows UPS’s leverage was high in 2001 and 2002, we can find the answer in Exhibit 4 – Timeline of Competitive Development – UPS acquired all-cargo air service in Latin America 2000 and acquired Mail Boxes Etc. retail franchise in 2001. While in 2003 FedEx acquired Kinko’s which could explained higher leverage compared to UPS. pic] The Capital Expenditure Ratio shows, both companies actually almost matching each other’s Capital expense. Exhibit 4 –Timeline of Competitive Developments shows the details of the major Capital expenses by both companies in competition to gain competitive advantage. Both companies made acquisitions to grow in different fields. [pic] The above graphs shows UPS is co nsistently leveraged low while FedEx is improving. Next we analyze the profitability analysis for both companies. Data from Exhibit 2 3 shows, FedEx’s profitability is worse UPS. PS beat FedEx in almost all profitability ratios by handsome margin. It is evident from 2003 numbers for Net Profit Margins 3. 69% and 8. 65% for FedEx and UPS respectively. The following graph shows the comparison of profitability of both companies. [pic] Finally, we review the growth analysis of both companies. Exhibit 2 3, provides the picture that shows FedEx growth is higher than UPS. [pic] The below graphs summarizes and compares both companies EPS, Dividend payout, Stock price, and PE ratios. [pic] UPS’s stock price shows since going public, it has delivered better value to its shareholders than FedEx. [pic] The above graph shows, UPS has consistently paid and increased dividends to its shareholders, while FedEx started dividend payout in 2003. [pic] UPS has a higher EPS growth than FedEx implies that FedEx has been unable to translate net income growth into high EPS growth. Hence, our analysis conclude that both UPS and FedEx created value for their shareholders, but UPS created more value than FedEx in the long run. How to cite Fedex vs. Ups, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Operational Aspects Affecting Hawkesbury Cabinets Pvt Ltd

Question: Discuss about the Operational Aspects Affecting Hawkesbury Cabinets Pvt Ltd. Answer: Introduction: As organizations are founded, they normally have few customers, operations in business arent monitored to a greater extend, as the business grow and begin to have a believability in the market, the owners or proprietors tend to focus more on the profit margins and the operational issues arent put into focus more. Methods of task accomplishment towards quality products and services, at times might be compromised. This term paper will identify process and systems that Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd has employed towards manufacture of the kitchen cabinets, both custom made and standardised kitchen cabinets. This paper endeavours to analyse operational aspects affecting Hawkesbury Cabinet Pty Ltd. It will also focus on the effect of standardised kitchen cabinets on the custom made ones and generally the operations of the business, financial implications that Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd poses in the long run as a result of building standardised kitchen cabinets or rather the implications of operational problems on organization issues. The Current Production Systems and Processes Used by Hawkesbury Cabinets As the reputation of the business grew, several low contracts had been signed up to supply small spec builders with a high quality but standardised kitchen cabinets. In this approach the builders were very price sensitive on the kitchen cabinets than clients who needed custom made kitchen cabinets. Though manufacture was in high numbers for the client builders, the volume of sales generated were low in comparison to what the custom made kitchen cabinets would rake in profits. The organization has a single manufacturing firm in Mulgrave, in the factory there are several tools in making cabinets which are grouped together and other assembly points throughout the factory. The organization has used the flow shop system, whereby the departments and facilities have well designed the system enables an organization to have low process inventories and have a simplified managerial control (Koulamas, 1998).). It has a single manufacturing point at Mulgrave, catering for both custom and standard kitchen cabinets manufacture. The factory tools are synchronised together. Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd uses the transformation process, a change process whereby, inputs are combined to produce final results, outputs which are the kitchen cabinets are the end results, the process involves employees of the organization, assembling, painting and finishing of the products (Nersesian, 2000). In the transformative process profits are the key focus or the feedback and justification to the end products. Using the transformation process, the machines in this company such as general cabinet making one has a maximum load it can take and the production per hour is also monitored. The capacity of the transformation is highly measured by consideration of how many hour cabinets, either custom made or standardised that can be made within a period (Romanelli, and Tushman, 1994). Distribution of management roles based on managers competency in the business operations highly favoured Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd, Fung happens to be a master cabinet making and Mei is a qualified interior designer. They systematically analysed their skills and competencies, as the business grew, they strategically positioned themselves in their areas of specialization for the advantage of the business. In the system approach the operations manager has to be the person understanding the business operations, the manager should coordinate and motivate teams for the main objective which in this case happens to be the production of kitchen cabinets. Systems viewpoint requires strategic thinking, goals and strategies should be realistic.it requires aspect such as planning, product development and innovation (Gupta Starr,2014). Mei a qualified interior designer choice was to focus on the financial aspect and general management of the company. The designer role focused on analysing the financial implications of the productions units and the feedback given by Mei helps to a large extend communicates on what should be prioritized during the production period, whether the custom made kitchen cabinets or the standardised products. Financial management and the results of an organization helps it to assess the programs in place (Lynch, 1991). The Effect of the New Builders kitchen Line on Hawkesbury Cabinets Operations The new builders kitchen cabinet has resulted to a stabilization the in the Hawkesbury sales, however there hasnt been an increase in terms of profit. There was an increase in raw materials inventory with the new builders kitchen, there was a snarl up in production of the standardised units, which lead to the company renting out more space since the factory couldnt hold the standardised units unfinished products. The current operations systems were pushing the organization capacity to the limits. Time to deliver cabinets was longer than before. The effect the move to producing builders kitchens might have on the companys financial structure (broader organisational issues caused by operational problems). As a result of Hawkesbury Cabinets move to produce standardised kitchen products, it has led to the organization incurring higher costs in production and less profits. When the organization is not making profits as per the input or the cost of production, the financial structure is in great peril. An organization financial structure plays many roles; the roles might not be achieved. It is the duty of the financial structure to fund the activities such as raw materials purchase, the core business of Hawkesbury, it is produce kitchen cabinets, lack of finances will prevent the organization from funding production (Cressey, 1950). Cost of Production in kitchen cabinets not only involve the cost of raw materials, but also the operative costs like salaries to employees, as a result of focussing in production of the builders cabinet which in the long run is causing a stagnation in processes, and having implications on the overall financial structure. The financial structure will fail to meet its objective on payments to the factors of production (Ruland, 1984). Hawkesbury Cabinets business expansion is funded by the financial structure in place, as a result of producing the builders kitchen cabinet, time to deliver products to the clients is taking long, the company cant generate more revenue, as a result its financial structure will not meet its obligation of the business growth and just like there has been a stagnation in profits, there will be a stagnation in business growth the financial structure voice of making decision output decision in growth will be affected as well as promotional activities (Rothschild and Gaidis, 1981). Financial structure will fund research activities like studying on how to reduce cost of production leading to renting out more space in storage and also study builders kitchen cabinet client so as to know how to raise the price of the cabinet, even though the client has been adamant not to pay excess for the service. Upon Hawkesbury continuous production of the builders cabinet, makes the financial structure of the organization to be in jeopardy in meeting its role in funding research and innovation tools (Kraus and Litzenberger,1973). Conclusion The paper begins with exploring the current production systems and processes used by Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd uses the flow shop system, where by all its processes are all synchronised at one place. Another process used is the transformation process, a change process whereby, inputs are combined to produce final results, there is also an overview of Systems viewpoint which requires strategic thinking, goals and strategies should be realistic, it requires aspect such as planning, product development and innovation. In discussion too, is the effect of the new builders kitchen line on Hawkesbury Cabinets operations which has resulted to a delay in production and having many builders kitchen cabinet to the extent of owning more space. Finally the paper covers on effect, the move to producing builders kitchens might have on the companys financial structure which has resulted to the financial structure not meeting its financial role in the business in overall. References Brigham, E. F., Ehrhardt, M. C. (2013).Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Demirg-Kunt, A. (2004).Financial structure and economic growth: A cross-country comparison of banks, markets, and development. MIT press. Brown, S., Bessant, J. R., Lamming, R. (2013).Strategic operations management. Routledge. Gupta, S., Starr, M. (2014).Production and Operations Management Systems. CRC Press. Karlsson, C. (Ed.). (2010).Researching operations management. Routledge. Kraus, A., Litzenberger, R. H. (1973). A state preference model of optimal financial leverage.The journal of finance,28(4), 911-922. Koulamas, C. (1998). A new constructive heuristic for the flowshop scheduling problem.European Journal of Operational Research,105(1), 66-71. Lynch, T. D. (1991).Federal budget and financial management reform. Greenwood Publishing Group. Nersesian, R. L. (2000).Trends and tools for operations management: an updated guide for executives and managers. Greenwood Publishing Group. Pvoa, A. P. F. D. B., de Miranda, J. L. (2015). Operations Research and Big Data. Ruland, R.G., 1984. Duty, obligation, and responsibility in accounting policy making.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,3(3), pp.223-237. Rothschild, M. L., Gaidis, W. C. (1981). Behavioral learning theory: Its relevance to marketing and promotions.The Journal of Marketing, 70-78. Rajendran, C., Ziegler, H. (1997). An efficient heuristic for scheduling in a flowshop to minimize total weighted flowtime of jobs.European Journal of Operational Research,103(1), 129-138. Romanelli, E. and Tushman, M.L., 1994. Organizational transformation as punctuated equilibrium: An empirical test.Academy of Management journal,37(5), pp.1141-1166. Sadeghi, S., Barzi, A., Shabot, M. M., Mikhail, O. (2012).Integrating quality and strategy in health care organizations. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Steiss, A. W., Nwagwu, E. O. (Eds.). (2001).Financial planning and management in public organizations. CRC Press. Shephard, R. W. (2012).Cost and production functions(Vol. 194). Springer Science Business Media. (Source: https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/Tradespeople/Developers.html)

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Catcher In The Rye Essays (718 words) - Fiction, Literature

The Catcher In The Rye The Catcher in the Rye In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, the first person narration is critical in helping the reader to know and understand the main character, Holden Caulfield. Holden, in his narration, relates a flashback of a significant period of his life, three days and nights on his own in New York City. Through his narration, Holden discloses to the reader his innermost thoughts and feelings. He thus provides the reader not only with information of what occurred, but also how he felt about what happened. Holden's thoughts and ideas reveal many of his character traits. One late Saturday night, four days before the beginning of school vacation, Holden is alone, bored and restless, wondering what to do. He decides to leave Pencey, his school, at once and travels to New York by train. He decides that, once in New York, he will stay in a cheap motel until Wednesday, when he is to return home. His plan shows the reader how very impetuous he is and how he acts on a whim. He is unrealistic, thinking that he has a foolproof plan, even though the extent of his plans are to take a room in a hotel.., and just take it easy till Wednesday. Holden's excessive thoughts on death are not typical of most adolescents. His near obsession with death might come from having experienced two deaths in his early life. He constantly dwells on Allie, his brother's, death. From Holden's thoughts, it is obvious that he loves and misses Allie. In order to hold on to his brother and to minimize the pain of his loss, Holden brings Allie's baseball mitt along with him where ever he goes. The mitt has additional meaning and significance for Holden because Allie had written poetry, which Holden reads, on the baseball mitt. Holden's preoccupation with death can be seen in his contemplation of a dead classmate, James Castle. It tells the reader something about Holden that he lends his turtleneck sweater to this classmate, with whom he is not at all close. Holden's feelings about people reveal more of his positive traits. He constantly calls people phonies, even his brother, D.B., who has sold out to Hollywood. Although insulting, his seemingly negative feelings show that Holden is a thinking and analyzing, outspoken individual who values honesty and sincerity. He is unimpressed with people who try to look good in other's eyes. Therefore, since it is obvious that Holden is bright, the reason for his flunking out of school would seem to be from a lack of interest. Holden has strong feelings of love towards children as evidenced through his caring for Phoebe, his little sister. He is protective of her, erasing bad words from the walls in her school and in a museum, in order that she not learn from the graffiti. His fondness for children can be inferred when he tells her that, at some time in the future, he wants to be the only grown-up with all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. He'll stand on the edge of a cliff and catch anybody who starts to fall off the edge of the cliff. He got this image from his misinterpretation of a line from the Robert Burns poem, if a body catch a body comin' through the rye. When situations are described, in person or in a book, they are influenced by the one who describes them, and by his or her perceptions and experiences. Through Holden's expressions of his thoughts and feelings, the reader sees a youth, sensitive to his surroundings, who chooses to deal with life in unique ways. Holden is candid, spontaneous, analytical, thoughtful, and sensitive, as evidenced by his narration. Like most adolescents, feelings about people and relationships are often on his mind. Unfortunately, in Holden's case, he seems to expect the worst, believing that the result of getting close to people is pain. Pain when others reject you or pain when they leave you, such as when a friend walks off or a beloved brother dies. It would not have been possible to feel Holden's feelings or understand his thoughts nearly

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Garbage Pollution Essays

Garbage Pollution Essays Garbage Pollution Paper Garbage Pollution Paper These persons are my mother and my social studies teacher. Introduction This school based assessment IS based on garbage pollution. The area chosen for survey on garbage pollution is the community of august town. You will learn about the causes that contribute to garbage pollution and the effects of it. The persons views of garbage pollution will also be taken into consideration. Table of Contents Title pollution 6 The reason for investigation Method of investigation Procedure for data collection Questionnaire page Definition of garbage 5 Statement of problem Continuation of questionnaire 11 Graphs 12 Graph 2 13 Graph 3 14 Graph 4 15 Graph 5 Analysis of interpretation of data 17 Statement of findings 18 Recommendation 19 Bibliography 20 7 8 9 10 16 Definition of Garbage Pollution All refuse other than industrial waste and effluents. It consists largely of easily decomposable and putrefying organic (animal and vegetable) waste from preparation, handling, storage, and sale of serving of food. Statement of Problem Why is garbage pollution one of the major issues of my community? What are the effects of it and how it can be solved? Reason for Investigation The reason for this investigation is due to inconsistency of appearances of the garbage collectors assigned to the august town community. And when the garbage is not collected it causes garbage pollution which attracts rodents and insects which can be dangerous to the human health due to the diseases that they carry. Another reason is to research and know different means by which the community cleanliness and beauty can improve. : Method of Investigation The researcher has chosen the questionnaire as a use for the investigation in attaining data. It is a simple way of collecting data and does no requires too much time. Procedures for Data Collection The research was conducted on September 1, 2012, on garbage pollution in the community of august town. The researcher walked around the community and distributed 30 questionnaires, randomly to persons that were seen, including friends and family. The questionnaires were given to persons between the ages of 12 to 18 years old. Out of the total respondents 15 were females and 15 were males. Getting the information that was necessary for the questionnaire on the spot made it much easier and it also saved allot of time. But ensured that each respondent spend enough time completing it so it wasnt being done in much haste.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Benefits of Allowing Students to Bring Pets With Them to College

Benefits of Allowing Students to Bring Pets With Them to College To most of us, pets are family and we treat them as such. We give them the love and affection they show us daily. They know when we are sad, happy, or even stressed, and always know how to make our day better. If you’ve grown up with a family pet, it might be hard to leave them at home when you go off to college. Becoming a college student in general is very stressful and eye-opening, especially if you go out of state. Losing one of your best friends can be a tough transition to go through when going through that milestone. Many college students go through stages of depression and anxiety and have almost no way to cope with it. Allowing students to bring pets with them to college is beneficial to them by helping them cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Scientists have concluded many studies proving that animals improve your overall health and well-being. â€Å"A study of women in China found that those who were dogs owners had fewer doctor visits, took fewer days off sick from work, and exercised more often than non-dog owners† (Casciotti, Zuckerman). These results were found because pets, to a lot of owners, are like family and are treated as such. Pets always know when we are sad, happy, or scared. For example, some dogs love to greet their owners when they get home after a day of work, or cats love to purr and rub against you when they want your affection. Studies have shown that no matter your age or disability, pets can you make you feel like you have â€Å"a sense of responsibility and purpose that contributes to their overall well-being† (Csciotti, Zuckerman). Although pets can be very loving and caring, they can also be very messy and hard to keep up with. Depending on the animal, training them can be a daunting task. Cleaning up after them and making sure they arent getting into things they arent supposed to is a struggle for all pet owners. This is why many parents get their kids pets when they are young. Owning a pet teaches the individual about responsibility and what it is like to own something and take great care of it. For example, learning how to teach dogs tricks, how to behave properly, not to beg, and potty train them are just a few ways they can teach you responsibility (Kaye). As child, this can develop into life long skills and help you mature quicker. As a college student, this could help you with time manage ment and learning how to do things independently. College teaches you how to become independent and transition from childhood to adulthood. For some, this is never easy to do. There are always some kids who come to college and arent familiar with how to be independent and not have to rely on your parents all of the time. Many soon dropout due to the overwhelming stress, anxiety, and not being able to handle doing everything on their own. Students come to college and get very homesick as well. This may be the result of missing their family and pets. For most, the hardest thing to do when you leave for college is to leave your childhood pet at home. Transitioning into to adulthood can be a very stressful time in everybodys life. You have to rely on your own income to stabilize yourself and be independent on where you live and find a stable job. Studies have shown that owing a dog through early adulthood can help reduce stress and anxiety. Pet owners in the early 20’s also have a higher success rate in finding a stable job with a living income (Robinson, Segal). Pets can also serve as a companion when lonely. Some can even act as an audience when reciting a big presentation or stress reliever when finals are creeping up. Many students have tried to bring â€Å"Therapy Dogs† to college. Their reasoning is that their dogs help them reduce the stress and anxiety that many young students face daily. Some can even detect panic attacks before they happen and help calm their owner down (Martin). The number of people being diagnosed with depression and ADHD have risen dramatically over the years. The demand for Therapy Dogs have also increased in response. Depression is a growing problem in the teen/early adulthood community. Statistics have shown that students facing stress and loneliness in college are more likely to commit suicide and take their own life. One study showed how owning a pet can reduce loneliness and depression. Theres a reason dogs are â€Å"Mans Beet Friend† and thats because they act as a companion and show you love and affection. Their bright attitudes and soft, furry coat are proven to relieve any anxiety or depression you might have (Casciotti, Zuckerman). College can be a very hard transition for most teens. Most come into college with a preexisting depression disorder. Starting college can be difficult since you are away from home, on your own, and self-dependent. It has been proven that having a pet can help ones mood. From being sad, lonely, and depressed, the subject immediately became happy and excited when brought a dog (Nagengast). The same was done with a cat and the results didnt vary. A study given to California University states that 86% of their students would want to bring their pet to college or would like to have a pet for college (Martin). Some colleges have even agreed to do testing and studies by allowing some students to have a pet for a certain amount of time and compare their work ethic and behavior over those weeks compared to when they did not own a pet. The results showed how students with dogs were happier and more engaged in the classroom. They did better on tests and performed academically and athletically b etter. Their grades went up and became more engaged in the college community. Those who didnt have a pet were more likely to go out and party and put off studying. They would also fall asleep in class, do poorly on school work, and become more secluded (Martin). College teaches you how to become independent and transition from childhood to adulthood. For some, this is never easy to do. There are always some kids who come to college and arent familiar with how to be independent and not have to rely on your parents all of the time. Many soon dropout due to the overwhelming stress, anxiety, and not being able to handle doing everything on their own. Students come to college and get very homesick as well. This may be the result of missing their family and pets. For most, the hardest thing to do when you leave for college is to leave your childhood pet at home. Transitioning into to adulthood can be a very stressful time in everybodys life. You have to rely on your own income to stabilize yourself and be independent on where you live and find a stable job. Studies have shown that owing a dog through early adulthood can help reduce stress and anxiety. Pet owners in the early 20’s also have a higher success rate in finding a stable job with a living income (Robinson, Segal). Pets can also serve as a companion when lonely. Some can even act as an audience when reciting a big presentation or stress reliever when finals are creeping up. Many students have tried to bring â€Å"Therapy Dogs† to college. Their reasoning is that their dogs help them reduce the stress and anxiety that many young students face daily. Some can even detect panic attacks before they happen and help calm their owner down (Martin). The number of people being diagnosed with depression and ADHD have risen dramatically over the years. The demand for Therapy Dogs have also increased in response. Depression is a growing problem in the teen/early adulthood community. Statistics have shown that students facing stress and loneliness in college are more likely to commit suicide and take their own life. One study showed how owning a pet can reduce loneliness and depression. Theres a reason dogs are â€Å"Mans Beet Friend† and thats because they act as a companion and show you love and affection. Their bright attitudes and soft, furry coat are proven to relieve any anxiety or depression you might have (Casciotti, Zuckerman). College can be a very hard transition for most teens. Most come into college with a preexisting depression disorder. Starting college can be difficult since you are away from home, on your own, and self-dependent. It has been proven that having a pet can help ones mood. From being sad, lonely, and depressed, the subject immediately became happy and excited when brought a dog (Nagengast). The same was done with a cat and the results didnt vary. A study given to California University states that 86% of their students would want to bring their pet to college or would like to have a pet for college (Martin). When going to college it can be very beneficial to have a pet to bring with you. They help in many ways. They teach you responsibility, improve your mood, and help fight against depression, stress, and anxiety. It is clinically proven that owning a pet can dramatically improve your overall well-being. This can be crucial to a student during a tough time in their life. Having a pet can also decrease student suicides and even student dropout rate. Bringing pets to college will be very beneficial to the students and should be allowed in more colleges and universities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Physics of Sound Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Physics of Sound - Essay Example The nature of sound could, therefore, be defined through standard wave characteristics. Loudness would be a direct component of the amplitude with sound intensity being the rightful physical description to use in this context. This intensity would directly depend on the quantity of wave energy which meets the area which is perpendicular to the direction of the wave at a specified time period. The intensity of sound would thus be expressed in Jm2s. Since dividing a joule by second yields the unit of power, Watt, Myers (134) defines sound intensity as the quantity of power that is transmitted through an area, expressed in watts per square meter (Wm-2). According to the inverse square rule – the intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square distance from the source (Parker 8), – as the sound spreads, the intensity decreases explaining the relation of intensity and distance from the source. Pitch is another characteristic but one that relates to frequency. Musi cal instruments’ strings that vibrate rapidly result in high pitched sounds. Temperature, density, and humidity affect yet another factor, the speed of sound (Myers 136). The equation (331 + 0.6T) m/s gives the speed of sound with T being the temperature in 0C, approximated at 343, 1,480 and 6,000 m/s in the air, water, and steel respectively at room temperature. The speed of sound has been found to be higher in liquids and solids than in air.Myers (135) notes that the threshold of human hearing is about 10-12Wm-2 above which most humans would experience pain. Human ear detects s

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Public speaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Public speaking - Essay Example Nicole, personal communication, October 2, 2014). However, the third person said that although he may experience a specific amount of fear especially based on the size of the crowd, this feeling gradually disappears as the speech proceeds (E. Jason, personal communication, October 2, 2014). This is because he gains more confidence. He also added that this adjustment is determined by the reaction of the crowd. Personally, I am not afraid to speak in public. This is because I have had adequate exposure throughout my life. I began by having short speeches during family gatherings when I was young. In addition, I do not attempt to make perfect conversations. Instead, I talk freely without intending to please the audience. This turns out on my favor because I find myself pleasing the audience without intending to do so directly. Nevertheless, at times, I may develop some fear especially if the crowd is huge. During such instances, I refer to personal cognitive therapy by performing activi ties that may boost my confidence such as performing deep breathing exercises prior to appearing before the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Literary Log Essay Example for Free

Literary Log Essay â€Å"I see their dark forms, their beards move in the wind. I know nothing of them except that they are prisoners; and that is exactly what troubles me. Their life is obscure and guiltless;if I could know more of them, what their names are, how they live, what they are waiting for, what their burdens are, then my emotion would have an object and might become sympathy. But as it is I perceive behind them only the suffering of the creature, the awful melancholy of life and the pitilessness of men† (193). Enemies. When you think about it your â€Å"enemies† are kind of like you, they might like different things, but they have the same intentions as you do. So why do you not like them? This is what Remarque shows in this quote. He shows that the Russians and the French are really similar, they didn’t want to be out in the front killing people they want to go home, but a single word suddenly makes them an enemy. Remarque talks about how he wants to get to know the Russians, it shows that the soldiers want to know these people. However, since they have been told that the Russians are enemies they are not allowed to. Remarque uses imagery to make the audience feel the emotions running through the soldiers as they try to understand that the Russians are really similar to them. What Remarque is trying to get at through this quote is the fact that â€Å"enemies† are really similar to you and they have the same intentions that you have although it may not seem that way. As it is shown, War makes â€Å"enemies† out of people who are quite similar. The soldiers realize that the Russians are like them, as both of them want to go home and survive, along with the fact that they don’t want to kill the other soldiers. Remarque also shows that war creates a chasm between the soldiers and the non-soldiers because the people who make the order to kill a group of people, are not the ones who are doing the fighting, they are the government. The government does not realize that these people have the same intentions as they do along with not knowing that the â€Å"enemies† are similar, they believe that they are demons and completely different form them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Druids Essay -- essays research papers fc

THE DRUIDS During the Anglo-Saxon period, magic was often practiced among several different classes of people in their own ways. It was considered sinful but its power was always believed in. Their knowledge of magic was first sought out from the biblical story, The Three Wise Men. According to one legend, the men who visited baby Jesus were astrologers who located him by magic use of the stars. The Bible has many ferences to magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. Since religion was valued during the Anglo-Saxon period, the Bible held the laws to their lives. Church authorities tried to ban witchcraft but people in many parts of the world continued to practice witchcraft as a religion. From the Anglo-Saxon period, the most well known of these people were the Druids. The Druids were the priests or ministers of religion among the ancient Celtic nations in Gaul, Britain, and Germany. They combined the functions of the priest, the magistrate, the scholar, and the physician. Druidism is a reconstruction of the beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic priesthood-professional class. They underwent lengthy training; about twenty years. Druids led all public rituals, which were normally held within fenced groves of sacred trees. They didn't use any images to represent the object of worship. A circle of stones enclosing an area from twenty to thirty yards in diameter, constituted their sacred place. The most sacred of this is the Stonehenge. When privacy was called for, these rituals took place in sacred grooves and clearings hidden deep in the forests. They believed in only one god, to whom they gave the name "Be'al". In modern english this translates to "the life of every thing," or "the source of all beings". It has a connection with the Phoenician Baal. The Druids identified this with the Sun. Fire was referenced as a symbol of the eternal life. In record, most of the leaders were males. It wasn't known whether female Druids were considered of equal part. Two festivals were of great importance to the Druids. The first festival took place in the beginning of May and was called Beltane or "Fire of God". A large fire was heated on an elevated spot, in honor of the sun, whose returning beneficence t hey then welcomed after the winter time. The second festiva... ... Druidism itself was destroyed or continued deeply underground throughout most of the Celtic lands. Though Druidism is not a common practiced religion today, it still does exist even here in the United States. The spirit of the Druids will never die due to the ancient "Druid" altars, beds, rings, stones, stone circles, and temples they have left behind. Other present day religious leaders have followed and adopted the same beliefs as the Druids. Though we are not as familiar with these magicians, their legends and remnants still haunt the European lands. Works Cited BOOK Dersin,Denise. What Life Was Like Among Druids And High Kings. Richmond, Virginia: Time Life Inc., 1998. Encyclopedia Wallis, Wilson D. "Druid." The World Book Encyclopedia. 1970 Edition. INTERNET SOURCES Celtic Druidism. http://www.religioustolerance.org/druid.htm Druids. http://celt.net/Celtic/History/d_overview.html The Druids. http://witchcraft.simplenet.com/druid.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

The influence of myths in the lives of man

Introduction Man is a complex creature, as compared to other living organisms that has walked the earth. He is able to act and cooperate with other people in order to create or do something productive. He is gifted with a rational mind which enables him to make rational judgment and decisions in his everyday life. He was blessed with emotions that enable them to express what they feel, show their appreciation or disgust. Man is complex creature such that he is able to believe something that he doesn’t see or he has no proof of its reality. He believes in myths about how he should act or react about something, thus setting it as a standard or as a norm in life. Looking at man and woman, man is said to be the more myth-believer than the woman. Man, an egoistic creature believes and values a lot of things, including abstract principles like chivalry, his big ego and his responsibilities in his life. Males, which generally see themselves, stronger than the females, often take much of the responsibilities especially when it comes to his family. It is common to see fathers who choose to work away from the family so that they will be able to supply the needs of his families. Men may consider themselves as superior to women, yet they compensate this claim by shouldering the hard work not because they like to do so, but because they are compelled to do so, as dictated by their beliefs and personal myths. Men choose to take these responsibilities not because they feel superior, but because of the fact that they are men. Even though men think this way they don’t lack fear and respect for women. In Theodore Dreiser’s short story, he pictured the main character, Rufus Haymaker, as man who has it all when it comes to material things. He lives a wealthy lifestyle, a good job, a house, doesn’t go hungry, everything that a man would strive for in his life. But then, Rufus Haymaker is not a happy man. He may have every material thing that a man may wish, but he lacks happiness. He is not fulfilled, not having lived his life to the fullest. Rufus Haymaker can be considered just like any other person in this world, someone who lacks will power and strength to decide for themselves, thus oftentimes regretting the way things in his life are going. Rufus Haymaker’s life is a typical rags-to-riches story. Because of poverty, he was driven and forced to go out and face the world. In his own, he was able to return a different man, yet he still thinks that there was really no change that happened. This resulted to suffering and mental torment, leaving him with the dilemma between duty and desire. Rufus’ situation is a common myth in men. He would strive hard in order to prove something, in order to excel, yet, in the end; he doesn’t realize that he already has proven something. He gets so engrossed with work because of his goals, he tends to forget his real reason why is working hard. In the end, he would grow old not knowing that he already met his goal, thus continuing to work hard for it. He wasn’t able to live his life to the fullest, because of his sacrifice and obedience to conventions, duty and moral order; he has lived an unfulfilled life. Rufus Haymaker already had it all, but because of moral restraints, his moral choice, he has lived an empty life. Rufus Haymaker was held back by his moral choice, because he chose to stick with the norms. He followed obediently, without knowing that it cost him his freedom and happiness. In this story, Rufus Haymaker has a wife. This is another manifestation of his loyalty and obedience to the norms. At that time, the concept of â€Å"one life, one love† was the norm being followed (Vaz). This became a restraint to Rufus life. He is pretending to be enjoying his life with his wife, but the reality is that he hates every moment of it, that her illness gave him a spark of hope. Her possible death gave Rufus another chance to be free; the moment his wife is gone, his attachment to the norm would be gone also, because she will be dead. The concept of one love is already nullified with death. Rufus’ lived a life at a time when people are bound to conventions, thus keeping them attached to their duty as a person, their beliefs where in they believe that following it means living a healthy life. Because of that, these beliefs hindered them from enjoying the real meaning of life, of being free, of seizing the day while it lasts! For Rufus Haymaker, there was this feeling of satisfaction with the idea that she is going to die, because in his marriage, he was looking for love and happiness, but with his wife, he never had it. But because of the norm, he remained bounded to his wife, and suffered emotionally. To wrap it up, Rufus Haymaker achieved the freedom he longed for so many years. But ironically, he did achieve his freedom, yet it didn’t make him happy. He found out that he was to old for the life that he was craving, and it was too late for him to recover. His great attachment with the myths and norms made him forget about time, that he was already growing old while waiting for the moment he could be free. Rufus Haymaker, the man who wished that his wife never recover from her illness, will never be happy with the freedom that he was able to get with his wife’s death. It was to late for him, because he didn’t seize the opportunity when it came to him. Reference: Vaz, Teresa Moraes. â€Å"Irony and Naturalism In â€Å"Free†, by Theodore Dreiser†.   1996. February 3 2007. .      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Worst Teacher

I have a terrible teacher in my middle school life, his name is Jian Yang. Mr. Yang was my Chinese teacher, he has model stature, but every time I bethink his face, I feel nausea. I had dreamed about him several times, his face was clearly emerging in my mind, I will never forget his pair of fierce eyes and that wicked mouth. Mr. Yang was the worst teacher in my middle school, although most my middle school’s teachers are not very good. My middle school is a private school. When I was sophomore, Mr. Yang and our Music teacher had been espousal at same year. We all think they will have a ceremonious wedding soon. But the fact is not what we think. In Chinese school, every teacher has an assistant in each class, those assistants help teacher pick up papers and books, or take homework from us and edit then. My friend Yu was Mr. Yang’s assistant. Yu was a cute girl, she have nice voice and smooth long hair. But I detected a strange thing; every time she back to classroom from Mr. Yang’s office, her emotion had been changed, sometimes glad, sometimes displeased. â€Å"Mr.  Yang must did something to her,† I thought, anyway it’s not my business. Five years later, once all my middle school’s friends and I went to my birthday party, I began to ask our middle school career’s mysteries of the unknown. Yu began to crying, I understand why, and ask her â€Å"you cry because Mr. Yang, right? † â€Å"Yes. † She answered. Then I took her to side. She said as she cried â€Å"He is my boyfriend. † I been shocked, doesn’t he have fiancee? Is this the reason why Mr. Yang and our music teacher haven’t done their wedding yet? I have a thousand questions to ask Yu, but it isn’t right timing. Yu kept telling me, and my eyes being opened more and more large. â€Å"Wait; did you just say you went to hotel with him? † I ask her. â€Å"Um†¦ He also asks me some excessive demands. About†¦Ã¢â‚¬  At same time, I can’t inhibit my dander. I tried to call my friend and go find him, but Yu stopped me. â€Å"Let him go, we were just break, I believe that he won’t have a blest wedding. † Right, I thought, he did once, and then he will do twice, until he die, he will never find true love. Whenever I bethink of this event, I can’t stop to think and image Mr. Yang’s lousy eyes. I remember once my classmate Henry and I got a fight in second floor of our school’s hostel. This event becomes a legend in my middle school. The source of the story is, one day afternoon, my friend Bob and I were playing soccer in ours room. After 30 minute Bob has accidentally kicked our roommate Henry’s kettle. We looked at each other’s face and slackened about ten seconds, and then he hastily said, â€Å"Hide it! And never mention this kettle, or†¦ stay it, anyway no one knows. I nod immediately because I felt like I am an ant on a hot pan, but after half hour, this guilty feeling has gradually disappeared. â€Å"I didn’t break anything,† I thought, â€Å"but I won’t tell anyone Bob did it. † Until to evening, we were all going to class, suddenly, a loud voice came â€Å"Who did it! Who break my kettle!? † â€Å"No one break your kettle! Go to your sit and sit! † our math teacher stand behind Henry and said; Henry have got to do so. After evening class, Henry walked to me and asked about his broken kettle. I pretend to do my homework and said â€Å"Don’t know. Then I were peeping him once when he walked away. Second evening class was Mr. Yang’s Chinese class, After this period, every student began to walk back to school’s hostel; I followed people until to second floor of the hostel, a soft and cold voice came to my right ear, even I can felt that breath, â€Å"I know is you, swindler. † â€Å"What did you just said?! † I yelled. And then he yelled back â€Å"I know is you broke my kettle, Bob told everything to me. † Suddenly, I felt I been insult, I lost my mind, clenched my fist and gave his nose a full power punch, and he punched back of course. The result of this fight was disastrous, Henry’s nose bone been broke by me, and my right calf been cut and the wound is about three inches. That’s why this event becomes a legend in my middle school. We two have been taken to hospital then, two hours later we two back to our room. Henry’s bad is below mine, a kind of heavy atmosphere around this room for whole night. At 12 o’clock Mr. Yang came to our room, he punched my right calf and yelled â€Å"you! Get up! † And this punch such as rubbing salt in my wound. I groan out â€Å"what are you doing?! † â€Å"What did you do,† he asked back to me, â€Å"You just broke a nose bone, don’t you know it? â€Å"I know, but he cut my leg also,† I watched his angry eyes and keep groan out; â€Å"you even don’t realize the fact and conclude it my fault? † â€Å"The fact is you hurt Henry,† he said. I hesitate two second, it’s really my fault? Henry didn’t hurt me? I know the fact is Henry cut my calf, and Mr. Yang punched at same wound just 10 second ago. I was hardly getting up and trying to debate with Mr. Yang, â€Å"He was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mr. Yang interrupts my speech and yelled â€Å"You have nothing to argue, school will expel you! † Then he shut the door hardly. I can’t believe it, he such a dictator and gave m e a conviction. While I’m thinking, Henry laughed. Then he said â€Å"deserved nemesis, you know who am I? My dad and our president are old friend. I can even call the president dad. † I was silenced. At that time, I understood everything. I understood why Mr. Yang says that, but why does he punch my calf, will he get his wage growth up? By this point, I classify Mr. Yang is a lackey. A teacher teaches student a lot of things; include morality, not just education. You may never meet a teacher such like Mr. Yang. Something that cannot be publicity, but I must write about it. I will never meet a teacher â€Å"great† then Mr. Yang.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Dynamics of Flirting essays

The Dynamics of Flirting essays The 21st century has revolutionized the way we interact with others and view the world; technology made it is easier to communicate, network, and even flirt with others. Computers transformed themselves into becoming the new cupid via instant messaging, chat-rooms and online dating in which flirting is easier in these spaces. Also the rise of social networking sites even made it possible to find a significant other; for example, my friend met his current girlfriend of six months through Facebook. However, there are still remnants of traditional flirting in the sense where we still meet people who attracts us at common locations, such as a bar or party. Both offline and online flirting have similar goals of starting and following a sexual and/or romantic relationship with other people; but simultaneously, they have different approaches in meeting new people. With the use of my interview, I am going to analyze the male and female perspective of flirting online and offline and the many opportunities and restrictions that correspond with flirting. Although the ways we flirt have changed dramatically, ideas of gender has not: both in the past and present, men seek physical attractiveness in a partner whereas women seek financial stability. Additionally, I will further examine the double standard of gender and how it stagnantly remains unaffected in todays society and its effect on how one approach and flirts with another. There are many opportunities in flirting online as well offline in which they have similar attitudes and tactics when talking to others. Flirting often involves an erotic energy between two people escalated by alcohol, music, attractive people, and sexy outfits (Hamilton Armstrong 605). Both my male and female interviewees (Ages 21) agree on the parallels of flirting to see where the dating potential lies and decide how far the romantic and sexual relationship goes. Fl...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Hp and Compaq merger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hp and Compaq merger - Research Paper Example From this view, the successful technology company, rather than regarding its surroundings as fairly stable and internal mechanisms as being of utmost importance, reacts in a converse manner, focusing outwards and embracing change and letting technology lead the way in terms of change. Or, alternatively, the company could also be pulled along by technology rather than being the one doing the pushing. In this type of situation, â€Å"Marketing oriented managers can direct scientists into what appear to be exciting markets with assured high demand. This is often called demand pull. Here innovation, the need, is father to or mother to the new invention† (Burgelman et al., 683). Overall, the HP Compaq merger case seems to show technology pull or demand pull, because it was in fact the popularity of the increasing computer hardware/software manufacturing technology that was pulling the merger into innovation. This is a very dynamic industry, in which variables of competition would f avor a merger between two large pre-existing players, rather than a new entrant. There are many reasons for this, chief among them the extreme costs of entering this saturated market. In the face of competition, Compaq/HP as a merged company has been struggling to capture the market dominance that it needs to survive in this competitive and dynamic type of industry. â€Å"Now the two consulting firms mostly agree that HP has a firm lead. IDC published statistics on Jan. 17 showing that Palo Alto-based HP had 18.1% market share during the three months ended December, while Round Rock (Tex.)-based Dell had only 14.7%. By Gartners count HP had 17.4% market share and Dell takes second place with 13.9%† (Ryst, 2007). Although the merged company is still strong in the market generally, it cannot really afford to keep slipping. Solving this problem means realizing how economics plays a large role in the external environment of HP/Compaq’s market, particularly the PC

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters Essay

Critical Analysis, Compare and Contrast Characters - Essay Example The central character of the play, Clay has been presented as a twenty-year-old black man, or, a Negro. Here the playwright presents the Negro as the one compromising his own identity in order to maintain a peaceful relationship with his white oppressors. The playwright presents Clay as a typical bourgeois black male that Lula, his co-passenger, the representative of the whites, could easily recognize his life history. His way of dressing, style of speech and his demeanor help her recognizing his class, intellectual capacity and his very nature with full of pretensions. The story of the play occurs in the train journey where Clay is attracted to the sexy, young woman, Lula, who begins a taunting seduction of him and invites herself along to his friend’s party. But she suddenly violent racist words against him. Though Clay tries to control her with intellectual dexterity, he fails in his attempt and retaliates by slapping her twice and says that neuroses of black men can be cur ed with her murder. But she stabs him when he made his apology for his actions and bend to take his shoes. After murdering him, she instructs other passengers to help her to throw his body out of the train. The play ends when Lula approaches another black man in the same way she approached Clay by giving the audience the hint that the attitude of the whites to the blacks have a continuity. Walker Vessels is the central character of Amiri Baraka’s popular play The Slave. The play has been subtitled as "A Fable in a Prologue and Two Acts," in which an old field-slave, Walker Vessels provides a brief introduction to the play in the Prologue. When the play begins he appears on the stage as Black revolutionary Walker Vessels. Vessel meets with his former wife Grace, a White woman, to take his children with him. Vessels kills Grace's husband (Easley) as a Black revolutionary and appears as the old field-slave, as appeared in the prologue, when the play is concluded. The comparative study of the two characters brings out similarities as well as differences between the two characters, Walker Vessels in The Slave and Clay in Dutchman. The most important comparison between them is that both of them are Black Americans who had to undergo severe neglect and are subjected for mental torture. It is the ill treatment from the part of Lula that makes clay reacting and the same leads him to his tragic death. Regarding Vessels, he was also confronted with the neglecting attitude of his former wife, Easley, a white woman. But contrary to the behavior of Clay, Vessels decides to protest against the injustice and kills Easley’s husband and gets back his children, though it is not sure whether they survived war. Baraka presents the character of Vessels in a peculiar way; a person one who fluctuates from laughter to anger, from tenderness to cruelty, from Standard English to Black English; he even dances and makes up a song (Barrios). Comparing to Clay, Vessel is an el oquent person that he could use every means to express himself. A close observation of his way of expression reveals that his taking action is not only shown in his overt militancy but implicit in his spoken and body language of gesture and movement as well (Barrios). Comparing Vessel to a saxophone; which can produce different notes and sounds that convey multiple moods will be quite apt to describe his character. But Clay is not a man who tries to meddle